My Last Blog Post (of the quarter)

Everyone who has gone to college whether they finished or just attended for a few quarters, say that their experiences within the college lifestyle has changed them. Because of this, I have tried to keep track of my development along with changes in my behavior throughout the quarter.

Regardless of whether someone goes to college or not, the transition into adulthood is bound to change a person. However, the intellectual and social stimulation that college provides adds to the normal development of young adults (aka yours truly). And yet after all of the warnings, many of us are still unprepared for the magnitude of the changes. After doing much research, because I noticed that I am now an outsider of the Empire of Childhood and Complete Innocence. I have learned that these changes have been put into a framework of psychological development.

A theory that stuck with me was developed by Arthur Chickering and was described in his book Education and Identity. Later on, in 1996, his theory was adapted and expanded to include African-Americans and women.

Image result for growing up

College Student Development Tasks

The first development that a college student must attain is the ability to do something successfully or efficiently. This is incredibly necessary for education, but also physically and interpersonally.

I understand that by following this development, my interests and good friendships will change as a result.

The second development is one that is continuously debated within society: emotional health. Because this, managing emotions, especially anger and stress, is important. Many young people attempt to control their emotions just by repressing them.

Taking care of oneself emotionally and practically is incredibly important throughout life. In addition, this is necessary to become independent from one’s family.

The fourth vector, also known as where I am right now, is establishing identity. “Who am I?” is a ringing question. The urgency of it is prevalent during our ages.

I believe that this question is poignant because of the extreme change we go through, first physically and then mentally. I also think that this might be more problematic for women or minorities who may feel dismissed by society. This is because they must play multiple roles in society and in different situations.

The fifth development deals with relationships. One must learn to understand that the need for interdependence is essential.

I believe that this development comes naturally. This is because we begin to choose our friends, because we have the option now. For example, we no longer have class with people we grew up with.

The last and most important development is integrity which comes with a high level maturity. With this, we can live with uncertainties that we could not understand prior.

I believe that personal growth is bound to happen but whether it occurs healthily or not is up to the person (to some extent). I’m not at the place where I’m using all developmental strategies, and I definitely cannot answer the question of who I am. But I do know that this quarter has been impactful on my life and I have developed in ways that I wouldn’t have been able to without these experiences.

Author: letsgettothecore

Hi everyone, My name is Denae and this is my HumCore blog. I use this space to help myself organize my thoughts in regards to how my personal life relates to the context of this class. I believe it will help my academic and overall development. This year I plan on living by: "I want to get more comfortable being uncomfortable. I want to get more confident being uncertain. I don’t want to shrink back just because something isn’t easy. I want to push back, and make more room in the area between I can’t and I can." (Kristen Armstrong)

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